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Exceptional transport

El-Amana is specialized in the over dimensions transport and hydraulic handling.


  • Study of transport feasibility according to the characteristics of the pieces to be carried by taking into consideration the local transport regulation in force.
  • Study and recognition of the different possible routes from the unloading port up to the final delivery site with report.
  • Visits and meetings with the clients of the local administration in charge of the road facilities and structures concerned with the routes selected.
  • Working out the technical files to get the appropriate authorizations to go
  • Study and assessment of the possible developments to allow convoys through (pruning diversion, etc).
  • Visit of the delivery site (temporary or final), proposals of necessary working out with the representatives of the construction site for a good unloading course of the parcel)
  • Control of the entrances to the construction site with suggestions of appropriate developments needed for good trailers positioning during the handling operations.


Exceptionnal transport
  • Dispatch of our equipment transport to the unloading port for assisting the Free out discharging operations
  • Loading and stowage of the pieces on our trailers.
  • Preliminary controls prior to every departure of the perfect road conditions as well as the developments made on the said route.
  • Transport of the pieces with convoy pilot.
  • Application for security escort transport when it proves to be necessary.
  • Visit of the delivery site (temporary or final proposals of necessary working out to be made with the site’s representatives)